Runbell was on the TODAY show July 23rd, 2014. Check us out at the 2'25" minute mark.
7 Summer Gadgets
Runbell was on The Gadget Man hosted by Richard Ayoade with guest, Steve Jones - Fitness coach. Steve says about the Runbell:
"That's a pretty good idea actually. I run a lot in Regents Park and there are always annoying pedestrians in the way"
Watch the clip! It's about 4 minutes in.
Why We Love the Runbell
American Designer Crowdfunds Made-in-Japan Bell for Runners
ランナー必須の保安部品!? 街の平穏平和をリスペクトする「ランベル」って?
A Few Ideas to Ring your Bell
The Tiny Running Accessory Philly Runners Need Like Whoa
A Bell for Runners: How 3D Printing Brings Unusual Ideas to Life (and to the Market)
Runbell lets runners "ping" other pedestrians
Brass Bell Helps Urban Runners Clear The Sidewalks In Front Of Them
Introducing Runbell for the Urban Runner
Bell For Runners Warns Others You Are ‘Coming Through!’