Introducing Runbell

When to Use Runbell

The Blockade

Your feet pound the path. Your breathing is deep but steady. You stretch your stride and the trees along the path become a blur.

Then, a hundred yards ahead of you, you spot the blockadethree people walking abreast and chatting cheerfully. They probably don’t even realize they’re blocking your path.

You clear your throat, but the pedestrians are engaged in conversation and do not hear you.

What do you do? It feels rude to shout, and even ruder to barrel your way between them.

Runbell lets you communicate your presence in a polite way. The clear ring of the bell cuts through traffic and conversation noise to get the attention of others who share the trail or sidewalk.



The Smartphone Multi-tasker

We’ve all seen videos of smartphone users so busy texting or surfing the web they collide with a lamp post or plunge into an open manhole. When you’re out for a run—especially in the city—one of these distracted multi-taskers may wander across your path and cut you off.

Don’t panic! A quick ching ching will break the trance.

The Dog Walker - Runbell

The Dog Walker

Streets and trails teem with humanity of all varieties—joggers, cyclists, pedestrians—and runners must beware. But don’t forget! Runners encounter other creatures, as well.

The last thing you need, just as you’re hitting your stride, is to deal with a startled or angry dog. Even with its keen senses, a dog might be so engrossed in exploring a bounty of new and intriguing odors that it doesn’t hear you coming until you’re right on top of it—and its owner.

When it does sense you, the dog could—understandably—read your rapid footfalls and heavy breathing as aggression and turn to defend itself and its owner with teeth and claws.

Don’t leave such encounters to chance. When it comes to dog walkers, caution and consideration go hand-in-hand. Give them and their canine companions a polite ching-ching with Runbell to alert them to your approach. The “three-second rule”—about 30 feet out—gives people time to get their dog under control before you run whizzing past.

The Umbrella

Rainy days pose a number of hazards for runners. Slick streets make stopping and maneuvering difficult for runners, cars, and other pedestrians. On top of that, rainy days mean umbrellas.

Umbrellas are problematic for a couple of reasons. First, they are hard to see around, and they block your view of what’s coming. Second, the sharp prongs can poke you in the eye!

When jogging up to someone carrying an umbrella, be safe, and give them a gentle ring to let them know you’re passing.

The Bus Stop 

Why do cities design bus stops with only inches of sidewalk between the street and the bus shelter? Threading that needle can be tricky and dangerous. If the bus has arrived, don’t even bother—too many passengers embarking and disembarking.

Otherwise, a quick ching-ching with your Runbell lets everyone know you’re squeezing past.

The Blind Corner

Blind corners are dangerous for runners, bikers, and pedestrians alike. Don't take any chancesuse Runbell before you reach the corner to alert anyone coming of your presence. A quick ring can prevent a painful ding.

The T-Crossing Dash

Your path ahead looks clear. A few people are crossing the street, but your sidewalk is unblocked. Suddenly, the crosswalk signal starts to blink and the pedestrians race to get out of the street before the lights change; now they’re crowding your path. Don’t worry. Just give them a short ring as you approach.

The Tourist

Tourists love taking in all the sights of a new city. However, because they are in new and unfamiliar territory, they may not pay attention to where they are or what they’re doing. On top of that, they also tend to congregate in areas where runners like to jog—for instance, Tokyo’s Imperial Palace loop, New Yorks Central Park, and the San Francisco waterfront.

Don’t be shy. A ring from your Runbell will enhance their tourist experience. You might hear someone yell, "Hey, look at that fancy city gadget!"

The Subway Stop

At congested subway stops, hundreds of people are entering and leaving at any given moment. Watch out for people making sudden, unpredictable 90-degree turns or U-turns. Use Runbell as needed.

Trail Running

Blockades tend to form more readily on narrow trail pathways than they do on city sidewalks. Alert pedestrians well ahead of time—when you are 20 to 30 yards behind instead of 20 to 30 feet—so that hikers have plenty of warning, and can give you room to pass without losing their footing.

How to Use Runbell 

How to Strike Runbell

Fit on Your Fingers

Slide Runbell onto your index and middle finger. Adjust with the removable silicone inserts. Reach with your thumb, and push the hammer forward or pull to the side. Release, and enjoy Runbell’s signature ching!

The 3-Second Rule

Before passing a pedestrian, ring Runbell when you are about 30 feet behind them. At a typical jogging pace of 7 to 9 minutes per mile, 30 feet gives pedestrians about 3 seconds to respond.

Say, "Thank You"

After passing people, be sure to thank them for giving you room. Raise your hand, wave your Runbell, and say, “Thank you!” Let them wonder, "What is that shiny thing on that runner's hand?"

Why Use Runbell

Runbell vs. Your Voice

To alert others with your voice, you must shout loudly if you are to be heard from 30 feet away. But this can be difficult, especially if you are winded from your run. Moreover, shouting can startle pedestrians, which can be uncomfortable for everyone.

Instead, use Runbell. It provides a clear, bright, and polite ding to alert others to your presence from 30 feet out, which gives pedestrians time to react.

Runbell vs. Passive Bells

Passive bells—especially bear bellsare popular with trail runners. The downside of these is that they ring constantly during your run whether it’s necessary or not. Some trail runs (Ultra Trail Mount Fuji, for example) actually ban bear bells to avoid annoying the bears during nesting season. Use an active bell like Runbell instead.

Be a Better Runner

Commit to being a better runner today. Pick up a Runbell for yourself, a friend or loved one, or anyone you know who runs.

Runbell is a compact yet powerful bell. Our new version, Runbell 2.0, features an even higher quality brass dome, which produces a louder, more musical ring.

Adjustability is important, since not everyone has the same sized fingers. We designed Runbell to be slightly oversized, to fit even large hands comfortably. We also supply two pairs of silicone inserts with every Runbell, so you can reduce the ring size to fit YOUR finger perfectly. On cold days, leave out the insert and wear Runbell over your glove. 

Men’s sizes: Runbell ring 24φ mm. With silicone inserts: 22φ mm and 20φ mm. (φ is diameter) 

Women’s sizes: Ring ring 21φ mm. With silicone inserts: 19φ mm ring and 17φ mm ring.

Runbell 2.0 has a stiffer spring, which requires less effort to use and produces a louder, clearer ring. You can activate Runbell’s striker with a pull or a push of your thumb, whichever is more comfortable for you. For a loud sound, pull the striker straight back from the bell. For a quick sound, flick the striker forward.

Small, stylish, and lightweight, the Runbell is a seamless addition to your running attire. A Runbell weighs in at about 1 ounce (30 grams).

Ten percent of women and six percent of men are allergic to nickel. Rest assured. We cater to all runners by choosing quality metal that contains zero nickel or lead. 

Runbell’s grip is aluminum, and the bell is brass. Finish, where needed, is brass electroplating. The soft, finger-hole inserts are made of silicone. 

You might surprise an occasional pedestrian with the ding of your Runbell, but most will be grateful for your politeness. Startled walkers often complain about runners overtaking them in surprise.

We designed Runbell to be jewelry quality. The intent was to create not only a functional running bell, but also a stylish fashion accessory that looks good on the track, the trail, or the city sidewalk.

Our manufacturing partners are literally right down the street from us. We have collaborated for more than a year to perfect the Runbell design, and we have strict quality control procedures in place. With the quality craftsmanship you expect of Japanese products, you can feel certain we have considered every detail.


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